Just a girl blogging about her life with a chronic illness

Just a girl blogging about her life with a chronic illness

Friday, August 28, 2015

College series #3: Im Overwhelmed

I am so overwhelmed.

Everyone has been so amazing and kind to me on Facebook and my blog and it fills my heart with so much happiness. 

I was struggling with the thought of how people would react to me in a wheelchair at school. Especially after the first two weeks of being there with many people questioning my authenticity. With the copious amount of students and some faculty doubting my sickness, not believing me because I can walk and look normal, it frightened me to think of their reaction to my now visible illness.

But last night I realized something important. God didn't make a mistake when he made me, he knows exactly what he's doing and he has a reason for me being this way. All of this will turn to something good and give glory to God. I know it. Thats what makes it all worth it.  I have all of you guys supporting and loving me, so why does it matter what some teenagers at my school think?

Thats not whats important, I need to surround myself with the people I know care about me and take care of myself. So this morning my loving sister and mother brought me to class and pushed me in a wheelchair. The whole class stared, that was expected. Slightly embarrassing of course, but I tried to remember that my health is whats important, not their view of me.

When I finished my second class my dad was outside with a motorized scooter for me to use so I didn't need to have someone push me. I am so thankful for a father who takes time off work to help me. 

So for my next two classes I was able to scoot around, only hitting a few people… and make it to class by myself. The reactions I had on this were slightly different. People thought I was using it for "fun". But some people knew. A couple people offered their help, obviously feeling bad and not knowing what to do, while others ignored it and just stared. I don't blame them, I don't think I would know how to react either. 

After my classes I went home and slept, but Im still filled with the joy and comfort knowing that so many people have offered their prayers and help to me and my family.  I truly am thankful for you all. I feel like I need to turn this journey into one of happiness and joy, helping and encouraging people as I go. Why not make it fun?
Thank you again to everyone who has encouraged me. God knew that I needed that. 

P.s. thank you Pastor Mike for this picture 


Unknown said...

So proud of you Ellee to not give up and continue with your college life. I will and have been praying for you and for relief. Love you.

Joanna said...

These words are like honey to my soul. I've seen your struggle personally. I know you suffer in the dark, when I don't see. But you chose to let God use you. I don't have the proper words....But all glory goes to God who sustains us.
You teach even me.
Your momma through it all and always.

Anna Grace said...
