Just a girl blogging about her life with a chronic illness

Just a girl blogging about her life with a chronic illness

Monday, January 28, 2013

Please Don't Compare

The pain and fatigue that I, and many others with Fibromyalgia, have is different then "normal peoples". If you have read my other blogs you should know more about it, but the main difference is that people with Fibromyalgia, in lack of better words, "get used to the pain". We get used to have that pain that wont go away in our knee, arm, stomach, or wherever. We accept the fact that it wont go away. I know I just covered this topic, so here is another. Because I feel pain "differently", it bothers me when people compare or complain. When I say compare, I mean people saying things like "Oh I have problems with my knee sometimes too" or "yeah my joints hurt sometimes too, especially after I work out!". ITS NOT THE SAME. Notice the key word.."sometimes"? I have it all the time. Also, the pain is not at all same and you cannot possibly understand what I am feeling. I get the fact that you are just trying to help but its not working! Secondly, I hate when people complain. Okay, that sounds mean. Im not saying I never complain, but most days I dont! When you are feeling sick and in pain all day long, its not even worth it to complain. What I hate is when people say things like "ugh I twisted my ankle last week and it still hurts!! I can barely walk..." or "I must have slept funny last night cause my back reallllyyy hurts, I cant do anything". First of all, be glad you only have that pain for a little while. Second, I understand it hurts you. Third, it seriously annoys me! Try having that ankle hurt all the time! same with your back! I cant just take ibuprofen and make it go away like you can! I have tried so many pain meds and nothing works. Especially Ibuprofen, is it possible to become immune to it? Anyways, long story short, it just bothers me when people complain about those little things when that's how I feel all the time. Especially when they use it as an excuse to not do something. I hope I don't sound to rude, but its just how I honestly feel.


Unknown said...

I'm with you sister! I just got back from the Orthopedic Doctor. I have a torn Meniscus. I almost didn't go at all, thinking, it's just another pain I have from FM. And I KNOW that others in my life were thinking the same thing. But this time, it turned out to be an actual injury.

Praying for you continually.


Anonymous said...

Yes, it is possible to become immune to most drugs, ibuprofen especially. The more you take, the more antibodies your cells creat towards it, creating a higher dosage need.

Shannon said...

Oh, Ellee, I understand your frustration more than you know. But, you have to have grace and patience with people. Usually, when my friends or family members say things like that, it's an attempt to connect with me, to let me know that in some small way, they understand my illness. Of course they don't, but they try. For that, I can be grateful. Your frustrations are valid, but remember, beautiful girl, that everyone is going through something. It's not fibro or Meniere's Disease, or Lupus, or some other invisible illness, but it IS something.