Just a girl blogging about her life with a chronic illness

Just a girl blogging about her life with a chronic illness

Monday, August 27, 2012

I am not a bad person

I have had many people comment on my hair, (well duh, its blue) and my ear piercings. First off, COME ON. DON'T JUDGE. My hair is exactly that, MY HAIR. I don't care if you like it! I didn't dye my hair to please you! I dyed it because I like it, in fact I love it. Same with my ear piercings. I have them because I love them, I am not trying to "rebel" or anything. Anyways, I only have 5!! That's not a lot! These two things are some of the ONLY things I can control in my life right now. I can't control how I feel, I cant control what activities I do, I cant control when I can go out with friends. So why not control what I can??? So, next time you go to judge me, or anyone else, think of why they did it. I AM NOT A BAD PERSON BECAUSE I HAVE 5 DARN HOLES IN MY EARS AND BLUE HAIR. End of story.


Josiah Pierce said...

I think ur hair is the bomb, keep it up kid :p

Unknown said...

Sweetcakes, some people think that I am a bad mom because I facilitated you getting your ears pierced, your hair colored and of course because I have piercings and tattoos. These are the people who don't know us. They see us from the outside and judge, because sin comes easily to humans. You and I judge others as well. However, our true friends, whether they approve or like or don't like the way we look--they not only accept us but embrace us and encourage us to be true to ourselves. And praise the Lord, you and I have quite a few true friends. We are blessed.

And I, my girlfriend, am blessed to have such a beautiful, smart, wise and fun teenage girl. I thank God for you everyday. Your mommmma